企业使命( Mission ):


(英文)Take a happier shower!

企业价值观(Rosery Values ):


(英文) True, Innovative, Grateful, Empower, Responsible

企业精神(Rosery Spirit):


(英文)Build the platform with staffs. 

              Create a future with customers.

              Share the fruits with the society.



True:Hold a sincere heart and earnestly seek the truth.


Innovative:There is creativity at all times and innovation everywhere. Need to have design innovation, process innovation, process innovation.


Grateful』:Gratitude makes people happy. We are grateful to our parents for raising us, to our teachers for education, to our relatives for companionship, to the platform for development, to the warmth of our friends, and to our opponents for giving us the strength to grow.


Empower:Empowering a subject with ability and energy, empowering an individual or an organization. The individual empowers the organization with a skill, and the gradually improving organization feeds the individual and empowers the individual, thus forming a closed loop in which the individual and the organization empower each other and grow mutually.


Responsible:Accept and take responsibility. Do duty to complete work, have the courage and strategy to come up with the best results, and take the initiative to stand up in the face of crisis to help the team get through it.